Welcome to my blog...

This is where you will find all my recent sessions, and even some of my own personal photos. I will post some sneak peeks here right after your session.... because I can't wait to see them, and I figure you're a bit like me! Okay, enjoy and feel free to leave comments! Thanks for looking!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The sleepiest baby...

What a little blessing this little girl was! She's got a lucky Mom and Dad. I had a great time photographing this beauty! What an angel! So rare to have such a good sleeper at 3 wks old! Congrats again, Todd and Acushla, a great baby for a great couple!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Jane... such a diva!

Baby Jane... didn't you give me a run for my money!? You definitely have a mind of your own girl! So perhaps you weren't gonna put up with my shanangans... but I still got some cute ones of you anyways! 
PS... go easy on your mama... she's new at this! 

Somebody wasn't buying my game!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Growing up... much too quickly!

Well this young lady has taken yet another step towards being a young adult. Congrats to you Miss S! Thanks for being such a great model and a fine young lady! Have a great summer! 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

An evening of super heros!

Well what an evening! One in which only super heros could endure! Boys you were so great... super heros right to the end! Thanks to the Leung's for being so fun and playing along with me... bugs and all!